Out of control.

Strong willed yet so subservient, she kneels on the cold, moist floor of the filthy factory. There is only a glisten of light emitted from the old light bulbs that flicker with every breath she takes. She is alone. The silence is broken only by the heavy footsteps getting closer and closer until she hears the door unlock. Light fills the room and just as swiftly as it was given to her- it was taken away. She dares not to look up at her captor but keeps her eyes fixed on the crack in front of her. A hand is placed in her hair and she is yanked to her feet, entrapped by sturdy and strong arms. The mystery person sinks their teeth into the girl’s flesh as their hand stifles her screams of pain. Her nether-regions begin to tingle, her body betraying her with each bite. The person laughs, as if they can read her mind- her thoughts racing as her body betrays her more and more.

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